True Devotion to Mary
At a young age of 29, Frank Duff was introduced to the classic "True Devotion to Mary" by a fellow college alumnus and member of Saint Vincent de Paul, Vincent Kelly. Fifty years after his first encounter with the book, Frank Duff in a letter to Vincent Kelly admittedly said that event was something that affected the course of his entire life. "I applied myself to the reading of the book with results that may be said to have been far reaching. It was definitely that book which threw my life into the Marian channels which has ever since followed..." The influence of the treatise proposed by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort extended from Frank Duff's conviction of its truths to the very spirituality of the Legion of Mary - that is - to be the slaves of Mary. True Devotion to Mary consists of a Formal Act of Consecration to the the Blessed Virgin Mary and thus Saint Louis Marie de Montfort says that the the surest, easiest and perfect way to consecrate ourselves to Jesus Christ is through Mary.
Promoting True Devotion to Mary and Act of Total Consecration
The best way to honor the Mother of God is for us to make her known to all. There is no Christianity without Mary, for she was necessary in God's salvation plan and thus for every member is exhorted to understand, live and practice True Devotion to Mary as proposed by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. The San Francisco Senatus encourages all its members to read this most excellent book of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. Moreover, it would be equally beneficial to share with others the life changing teachings found in this most powerful book. Above all, the Legion should extend an invitation to all in undertaking the Act of Consecration to Jesus through Mary with a thirty three day preparation process.
Organizing a Total Consecration Program
As the Handbook states True Devotion to Mary is inaugurated by a formal act of consecration and is sustained by the subsequent living of that consecration in our daily lives. It would be ideal (though not a requirement) that any one desiring to consecrate themselves to Mary must be spiritually prepared to accept the challenges the Consecration would bring.
1. Before starting the 33 Day Preparation leading to the Formal Act of Consecration, we recommend that one reads the classic "True Devotion to Mary" by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. This book is generally available from most Catholic bookstores (or electronic Kindle edition through Amazon or via the online through the web). Saint Louis Marie de Montfort proposes a treatise that might prove challenging to some of you, and thus, we propose that one seeks counsel and advice from your spiritual director. We also advise, that like Frank Duff and members of Saint Vincent de Paul and Pioneer Abstinence Association had done in the early days of our history, they met and discussed the book in a group discussion format. You and members of your parish (or Praesidium) can a form a group discussion or 'sharing' about True Devotion to Mary.
2. Then, decide which Marian Feast Day, you would like to take (or in some or even many cases, renew), the Act of Consecration. Again it is suggested that you undergo the customary 33 Day Preparation Program, as it ensures a stronger foundation on one's understanding and commitment to a life changing experience, becoming a slave of Christ and Mary. The 33 Day Preparation Program consists of four (4) major sections (RENOUNCEMENT OF THE WORLD, KNOWLEDGE OF SELF, KNOWLEDGE OF MARY and KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST), each section consisting of a) Prayer b) Reading and c) Spiritual Reflection.
3) Towards the end of the preparation process (maybe on Day 32), it is important that one desiring to complete the consecration, go to Confession before making the Act of Consecration. There are many available forms of Consecration prayers, however, since Saint Louis Marie de Montfort is one of its Patron Saints of Legion, we typically would use the Consecration formula of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. Also, there are various 33 Day Preparation programs available for anyone to follow - we leave it up to you to decide which preparation program you would like to use. We have three versions on this page that you might want to use.
Marian Feast Day | Date of Act of Consecration | Start of Preparation |
Our Lady of Lourdes | February 11 | January 9 |
The Annunciation | March 25 | February 20 |
Our Lady of Fatima | May 13 | April 10 |
The Visitation | April 28 | May 31 |
Immaculate Heart of Mary | Saturday after Sacred Heart | Saturday after Corpus Christi |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel | July 16 | June 13 |
The Assumption | August 15 | July 13 |
Queenship of Mary | August 22 | July 20 |
Nativity of Mary | September 8 | August 6 |
Holy Name of Mary | September 12 | August 10 |
Our Lady of Sorrows | September 15 | August 13 |
Our Lady of the Rosary | October 7 | September 4 |
Presentation of Mary | November 21 | October 19 |
Immaculate Conception | December 8 | November 5 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe | December 12 | November 9 |