San Francisco Senatus ACIES 2023
For the first time in its history, the San Francisco Senatus celebrated its ACIES with the officers and members of the San Mateo County Comitium on March 25, 2023 at Mater Dolorosa Church (South San Francisco). Father Gabriel Wankar. Spiritual Director of the San Mateo Comitium celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form (Traditional Latin Mass, Missa Cantata). He was assisted at Mass by the male members of the Mary, Mother of the Holy Eucharist and Family Praesidium (Mater Dolorosa). In his beautiful homily Fr. Wankar reminded every Legionary on the importance of attending the ACIES. Sister Lorna Garcia, president of the San Mateo County Comitium gave the welcome remarks and challenged everyone to pay special attention on recruiting children and the youth into the active ranks of the Legion of Mary. San Francisco Senatus President, Bro. Raymond Frost gave a very compelling Legion talk where he stressed the importance of Legionary apostleship through the works of evangelization as suggested in the Handbook. More than 215 members of both councils renewed their Act of Consecration to the Blessed Mother.