Resources, Forms and Links

Ratification of Council Officers

Upon the election of a Council Officer (President, VP, Secretary or Treasurer) by a Council (Curia, Comitium or Senatus), the elected officer requests formal ratification to its next higher council. For instance, when a Curia has elected a new President, the new officer though elected by the Curia, is not officially an officer of the Council (though he or she could carry out immediately the duties of the office), until his or her ratification has been approved or granted.

"The officers of a council shall be elected at an ordinary meeting of the council by the members of the council by the members of the council (that is the officers of any directly affiliated praesidia, the officers of the council) who are present. Every legionary is eligible for such election. If elected and if not a member of the council he shall become a member ex officio. All elections of officers shall be subject to ratification by the next highest council, bit int the meantime the persons elected may discharge the functions of their offices." 

The form below is used for this purpose. 

Link to Ratification Form (in PDF). Click here. 

Appointment of Praesidium Officer

There are no officer elections on a Praesidium level. The Handbook states that it is the Curia (Comitium or  Senatus) who appoints the Praesidium officers. The president of the Curia (Comitium or Senatus) is responsible to seek a potential praesidium officer should an officer position become open.  

"The officers of the praesidium, other than the Spiritual Director, shall be appointed by the Curia. Should there be no existing Curia, the officers shall be appointed by the next-highest governing body. It is desirable to avoid open discussion as to the merits of possible officers, some of whom may actually be present. Therefore, it is the practice, on the occasion of a vacant officership, for the President of the Curia, after careful inquiry (above all from the Spiritual Director of the praesidium in question) with a view to ascertaining the most suitable person, to submit a name to the Curia; and the Curia, if it thinks fit, may appoint that person."  (Legion of Mary Handbook). 

This Form below is used for this purpose.     

Link to Praesidium Officer Appointment Form (in PDF). Click here. 

President's Agenda Worksheet

The Weekly Praesidium Meeting follows a meeting agenda as outlined in the Legion of Mary Handbook. The President's Worksheet Form can be uses by the Praesidium president to help assist in the preparation of the Weekly Meeting and record and capture important fact and information relating to the meeting. For example, in some home visitation cases, the names and addresses for potential follow-up may be kept using the President's Worksheet.  

Link to President's Worksheet (in Word). Click here.

Praesidium Secretary's Minutes (Template)

The proper keeping of the Praesidium minutes is an important aspect of the Legion system - as minutes contain specific information that might later be required for follow-up of certain cases. The SF Senatus has created this template to assist the Praesidium Secretary. 

Link to Secretary's Minutes Template  (in Word). Click here.

Semi-Annual Council Report

This form can be used for the quarterly reporting of a lower council to its next higher council. This report allows the higher council to review the lower council's activities such as evangelization works, extension efforts and prescribed Legion functions. The reports can also assist the higher council in evaluating the general condition of the lower council and thus  provide recommendation and guidance. 

Semi-Annual Council Report Template  (in PDF). Click here.

Annual Praesidium Report to Council

Every Praesidium renders an annual report to its higher council. This report summarizes the praesidium's annual accomplishments  such as their apostolic works, other evangelization efforts including membership recruitment. When using this form, please be direct and concise as possible. We encourage that significant data such as number of home visitations and/or personal contacts made be recorded as well.  

Annual Praesidium Report to Higher Council (in PDF). Click here.